New Dawn

Whether you’ve reached this page through word of mouth, erroneous link or gun point, welcome.  Welcome to the Mostly Legitimate News Network.  A fresh news network dedicated to bringing you the most engaging stories and challenging conventional wisdom by asking the tough questions in a way that other news networks dare not to [Edit: due to higher standards of operation].


Our mission at MLNN is to get to the heart of each matter we tackle by talking to the people other networks will never be able to reach [Edit: because the people are fabricated characters].  Unlike corporate media, we are not funded by any company [Edit: but would really like to be] nor controlled by government.   This means no stories influenced by what third parties think you should or shouldn’t know.  The only stories seen on this network will be those influenced by our burning desire to provide a balanced and objective view on the current events generate enough traffic to make the advertising a viable option.  Complete transparency.


But enough of the introductions, it’s time to let the news speak for itself.  We have a dedicated team of correspondents [Edit: correspondents are also fabricated] whose only goal is to risk life, limb and journalistic integrity to tackle all the news that matters without thought to the consequences, in the most(ly) legitimate manner allowed.



CEO and Senior Editor, Mostly Legitimate News Network


N.B.  This post has been updated to reflect the true intentions of the author, pre-empting any criticisms of misleading and/or inaccurate information in the author’s original statement and thus cannot be held as evidence against MLNN or any of it’s subsidiaries.

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